>Why I shoot in RAW….


Every photographer has a completely different approach to pretty much trying to pull off the same things. I started shooting in the RAW format as soon as I got a DSLR camera, but I have friends that have been shooting for years and have never even tried it. I am not saying one way is wrong and one way is right. I probably know less than a percent to what there is to know about photography, but for me I have to have the post production control. If anything it is more for my sanity.

Below is a shot from a shoot I did last week for my company Motonation. We were shooting an upcoming ad for AGV Sport and only had the morning to nail some simple riding shots down by the pier in Oceanside. And of course with this time of year in San Diego the weather is completely unpredictable….especially by the ocean. I usually like shooting in a some sort of cloudy/overcast light, but the marine layer causes exposure problems (again for me at least) in that everything has a foggy grey/blue haze to it. In order to fix this in post production I combined the original shot with an underexposed layer to bring out the clouds, then combined that with a extra vibrant and contrast layer to bring out the colors in the clouds and the red lined curb.


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