Monthly Archives: December 2010

>Welch Family La Jolla Cove

>I love shooting in the cold winter months at the beach. I think other photographers will agree that you just cannot beat the lighting. Cloudless sunny days are awesome at the beach when I feel like donning my pale mid-western skin tone for the hairless and tan natives of San Diego to witness. I think there is even a little club of Sasquatch enthusiast that wait all year to get a glimpse of the “Sas” skipping through the water in hopes of finally proving Big Foot exist and he runs like a girl.

When I met up with Jen and her family they were kind of bummed on the weather (visiting from the east coast I guess I would be bummed as well that it was not even 60 degrees at that beach) Despite it being a little less than perfect weather-wise we practically had all of La Jolla Cove to shoot without any other distractions. Here are a few shots from their session.


>Torrey Hills Surgical Specialties

>I am thinking of painting a yellow wall and buying a red chair for my studio after my shoot with the the staff at Torrey Hills Surgical Specialties. When I take on projects for companies and stuff and dont bring any sort of studio equipment with me, I am always nervous until I get there in hopes that there is a halfway decent place to shoot. Luckily I walked into one of the nicest waiting rooms I have ever visited.


>Cute Kids + Creative Moms = Fun Christmas Sessions


Heather emailed me a few days prior to our shoot and wanted to know if I could fit her in on my extremely and thankfully booked schedule. At first I was a little aprehesive in adding more sessions to my December calendar. That is until she told me a few of her ideas. Seriously, how can I pass up the chance to photograph kids tied up with christmas lights. (come on parents you know that sounds tempting when you have gotten up to refill the juice cup for the 10th time and there are crackers crumbled all over your freshly vacuumed carpet…)

>Davis Family – Oceanside Pier

>I had been wanting to shoot at the pier in Oceanside for sometime now, so of course choosing the weekend of Thanksgiving was perfect. With everyone off of work and family leaving their frozen tundra’s of the midwest to visit family in SoCal, I mean really, how many people could be at the beach? (sarcasm)

Despite having to tell little children to stop playing and get out of the shot and shirtless hairy Europeans frolicking through the water in their speedos the lighting was amazing and the structure of the Pier was just awesome to shoot against.
